Fischerspooner - We Need a WarFischerspooner - We Need a War - SantsTV
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Fischerspooner - We Need a War

We need a war
We need a war to show‘'em
We need a war to show‘'em that we can
We need a war to show‘'em that we can do it
Whenever we say we need a war…

If they mess with us
If we think they might mess with us
If we say they might mess with us
If we think we need a war, we need war

We need a war,
If we think we need a war
We need a war
If we think we need a war

A war to make us feel safe,
A war to make‘em feel sorry
Whoever they are…

If they mess with us
If we think they might mess with us
If we say they might mess with us
If we think we need a war, we need war


Can we do it?
Sure we can

We need a war
We need a war
We need a war

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